WakeSurfSchool 1.0 

I help wakesurfers go from, frustrated, stuck and not landing any of their tricks to landing consistent 360's, boosting huge airs, and having a great time on the water!

Join the Course!

Imagine If...

  • You were able to consistently land your 360's 
  • You were able to finally start doing big airs, and know exactly the steps to take to get there
  • You knew exactly how to have great form and understand the wave 
  • You knew why you weren't landing your 360's
  • You were able to achieve constant progression

This Course Is Perfect For You If...

  • You have tried 360's but can't seem to land one
  • You want to learn how to do big airs
  • You are sick of trying 360's and never knowing why you can't land them
  • You already have landed some 360's but would like to learn how to get them consistent 
  • You want to keep progressing but seem to have gotten stuck
  • You don't know what to work on 
  • You dont know how to keep progressing
  • You are ready to take your wakesurfing to a whole new level!

If This Sounds Like You...WakeSurfSchool 1.0 Is The Perfect Solution! It Was Literally Created For You!

So what will you be diving into?

The Fundamentals

The fundamentals takes you through 5 different sections to help you understand the wave, how to fix your form, and what great form looks like. We go over how to use your whole wave, the difference between carving and pumping, how to pump, and how to create habits that set you up for success as we start progressing. 


After learning proper form and the correct way to start progressing, we will move into tricks! Starting off with how to ollie. This will teach you how to pop your board, absorb landings and get a better understanding of the bottom of your wave.

Chop Hops And Floaters

This module is key in learning how to use the top of the wave. You will learn how to drive through the whole top of the wave, and also how to pop off the top. This will also teach you how to pivot and realign after coming off the top! 


Want to boost big airs? This is the perfect place to learn. We take you from your first air all the way to tweaked airs and huge airs with grabs! We finish it off with ways to improve your airs and even get more height!


We teach you the fundamentals of a 360, how to release your board by doing lip slides, and your first 360! After showing you how to do it, we go over common mistakes we often see!



Hey, I'm Dylan and I built WakeSurfSchool 1.0 for YOU!

Why? Because I was there too; trying tricks over and over, wondering why I couldn't land a simple 360, thinking maybe if I just buy one more board I will be able to land it, spending countless hours watching tutorial after tutorial with no results! 


I have been wake surfing for 7 years, 3 of those professionally.  Through learning and practicing I realized there is a major problem in the wake surfing industry, there is no where and nothing to go to for a step by step roadmap on how to improve. 

I've spent the last two and a half years dedicated to coaching and helping others learn! 

This is why I am so excited to bring you WakeSurfSchool 1.0 the first and only blueprint to achieving progression! 

I'm Ready

If you're ready to level up your wake surfing...

Sign Up Here